
Gain unusual insights into our day-to-day work with stories about OGE: reports, interviews, videos, articles about our areas of business. Find out what we move, what moves us and where we are heading. We hope you enjoy browsing these pages, watching the videos and discovering exciting new insights.

23 May 2023
A strong backbone for Europe’s energy future

The “European Hydrogen Backbone” uses Europe's recipe for success: cooperation based on trust.

8 December 2022
Digitisation at OGE

With networked systems, information is exchanged in the form of data, so that devices, machines and even people find it easier to react to each other.

6 October 2022
Across the Wupper on a hydrogen bus

See how a district in Wuppertal is testing future-oriented mobility and learn about the important role hydrogen plays in this process. 

12 May 2022
1,000 times more accurate than an ECG

PipeMon+ is an example of how the advantages of digitalisation are used in practice at OGE. With significant added value for safety and the population.

18 February 2022
Diversity instead of simplicity!

At OGE, we master the challenges of the future with ideas instead of simplicity. OGE is variety.

11 August 2021
Power for the future

Power-to-Gas harbours tremendous potential for storing power generated in the summer for use in the winter. The technology is there and the prerequisites are in place. Let’s make use of this pioneering solution!

18 August 2020
Shift away from carbon? That's the way forward!
Green gases

Green gases are integral components of a successful energy transition. We are committed to clearing the way for these clean energy sources. But how?

26 February 2020
Energy future? The best is yet to come!

Green gases, hydrogen, sun, wind: That's the energy mix of tomorrow.

11 February 2020
Let’s talk about Elenor and Optimus.  
Elenor and Optimus

Video interview with two experts who tell us about their assignments with OGE’s mobile compressors. It’s a daily routine that is full of surprises.

10 February 2020
Rehearsing a scenario — so that it doesn’t happen. 
Lessons learned from the 2012 gas shortage

Serious problems with the supply of gas? Only in theory, because in practice we have dedicated professionals cooperating across numerous disciplines.

10 February 2020
A trip to the living lab in a hydrogen-powered car
By hydrogen car to the West Coast 100

In Schleswig-Holstein we are testing the future of sector coupling. We went to take a look – in a hydrogen-powered car of course.

10 February 2020
Gas makes better electricity
Interview with Andreas Rimkus, MdB

An interview with Andreas Rimkus, MdB, on the state of the energy transition.

10 February 2020
Our infrastructure: ready for a success story
Infrastructure & energy transition

If Germany is to achieve its climate targets, the electricity transition must become a genuine energy transition. Now. With us.

10 February 2020
Daily life on the construction site

We observed construction work on the "Zeelink" pipeline. This is where all the digging and drilling goes on – and every metre brings a new surprise.

10 February 2020
From L-gas to H-gas. And then to green gas?

This is how we are tackling one of the largest projects in the German energy industry.

10 February 2020
Our style and how we deal with each other.

From the very first day with us, you will sense the corporate culture we have at OGE and how we practise it in everyday life. Open, together, determined.