Laboratory services

Reliable analysis of your gas – in our own laboratory. 

Do you have any chemical analysis or process questions relating to the transportation and use of natural gas? Our Gas Quality Competence Centre with its in-house laboratory is there to help you. 

In our laboratory, we analyse gases, accompanying substances and gas-specific supplies and consumables. For this we can draw on highly effective measuring methods and years of experience in operating our own gas transmission system and collaborating with our customers. Our Gas Quality Competence Centre is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001, while our testing laboratory is accredited for natural gas analyses according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.

Make use of our laboratory services for various tasks, including:

  • Determination of natural gas compositions in accordance with DVGW Code of Practise G 260
  • Natural gas analyses up to C14
  • Determination of trace concentrations of accompanying substances
  • Water analyses on preheaters in accordance with DVGW G 495
  • Preparation of the natural gas safety data sheet
  • Recording of natural gas orientation values 

Our services in detail

Natural gas, bio natural gas or process gas: We analyse your gas sample and calculate its physical and combustion properties. It’s all part of our quality-assured range of services:

  • Analyses up to C6/C10/C14 (according to DIN EN ISO 6974/6975)
  • Determination of sulphur components
  • Calculation of combustion characteristics and physical gas properties, e.g. superior calorific value, heating value, Wobbe index, methane number relative density, and normal density
  • Calculation of the CO2 emission factor
  • Monitoring of odorant concentrations
  • Identification of the gas source
  • Examination of untreated gases (exploration)
  • Investigation of gas leaks/exhaust air
  • Determination of trace components/accompanying substances
  • We will be happy to take care of your daily and/or monthly energy data management 

Do you have any questions or special requirements?

We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to help.

Are you interested in our products and services?

Simply make an inquiry or a personal appointment right away.

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Brochure / pdf / 968.17 KB

Gas analysis

Gas Quality Competence Centre, Data sheet (only in German), March 2021

Brochure / pdf / 1.63 MB

Gas analysis / Chemical engineering / Analysis of operating materials

Gas Quality Competence Centre (only in German), March 2021

Brochure / pdf / 517.91 KB

Hydrogen analysis

Fuel quality monitoring according to ISO 14687, Flyer (only in German), March 2021

Brochure / pdf / 404.91 KB

Water analysis on preheaters

Gas Quality Competence Centre, Data sheet (only in German), February 2020

Market information natural gas/biogas / pdf / 268.08 KB

Natural gas safety data sheet

as per Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), § 5 of German Hazardous Substances Ordinance (GefStoffV)

Market information natural gas/biogas / pdf / 175.10 KB

Natural gas orientation values of Open Grid Europe

Status June 2023 (only in German)

Market information natural gas/biogas / pdf / 157.67 KB

List of test procedures in the flexible accreditation area

Valid from 16 January 2024 (only in German)

Reliable analysis of your operating supplies

in our own laboratory

Reliable analysis of your gas sample

in our own laboratory