Capacity products

All you need to know about FZK, bFZK and DZK. Our capacity products at a glance. 

At OGE you can book various capacity products. We organise this via the primary and secondary marketing platform PRISMA. The product details are described in the product data sheets. 

Here you can find all the important information on each capacity product. You can download the detailed product descriptions for any type of capacity.

FZK – freely allocable capacities

These capacities allow firm and interruptible gas transmission across the whole market area and provide access to the Virtual Trading Point of THE.

bFZK – conditionally firm freely allocable capacities

bFZK are conditionally firm capacities that can be freely allocated in the entire market area and enable access to the virtual trading point of THE. At storage connection points, bFZK only become interruptible capacities in whole or in part if the daily average temperature forecast exceeds or falls below a limit value set by OGE.

At virtual interconnection points, the bFZK can be interrupted if the previous day's forecast for the daily average temperature measured at the Essen weather station is above or below the limit values ​​set by OGE. The aforementioned limit values ​​can be found in the product data sheet.

DZK – dynamically allocable capacity

DZK at points requiring nomination enables network use on a firm basis. This applies if the point combinations published in the following document " Capacity allocation restrictions and point-to-point connections for dynamically allocable capacities" are used and included in the balancing groups as described in the product data sheet.

DZK at exit points that are do not require nomination enables network use on a firm basis from a previously defined entry point that requires nomination. You can find the possible point combinations in the product data sheet. Unless an allocation limitation is published by OGE, it is possible to supply the exit point that does not require nomination via the VTP.

Please note that this information is non-binding and for convenience only. The legally binding document is the terms and conditions of the standard entry or exit contract in its current version as published by OGE.

Market information natural gas/biogas / pdf / 528.49 KB

Product data sheet

Capacity products offered by Open Grid Europe GmbH, valid for gas transports as of 01 April 2023

Market information natural gas/biogas / pdf / 241.45 KB

Note regarding the yearly capacity auction for capacity products

with effect from 01.10.2021

Market information natural gas/biogas / pdf / 132.21 KB

Capacity allocation restrictions and point-to-point connections for dynamically allocable capacities

with effect from 01 February 2024 - PDF file

Market information natural gas/biogas / xlsx / 23.81 KB

Capacity allocation restrictions and point-to-point connections for dynamically allocable capacities

with effect from 01 February 2024 - XLSX file

To make it more convenient for our customers to calculate fees, we provide the following fee calculator.